

Best Neighborhood Ever

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Why this website?

While our email list has been a great communication channel, an additional tool our neighborhood could use is a website that serves as a virtual bulletin board. More than 50% of Melody-Catalpa residents are not on the email list, often because it means adding to their already overloaded inboxes. This website will offer all residents easy access to all things Melody-Catalpa. For now, we’ve focused on the most important items: the EcoPass, Email List, and Tradesperson Recommendations. But we plan to grow. Dog walkers, yoga instructors, babysitters and others might eventually have a section here. Or maybe there will be a section for those interested in sharing a rototiller, wheelbarrow or post hole digger, helping neighbors AND the environment. Or maybe a section for advertising an upcoming event, like a party at the park, a jam session in your front yard, or a recycling roundup. We’ll just have to see which way the wind blows.

Note: This website has been created by Melody-Catalpa neighbors, and for Melody-Catalpa neighbors. There is no corporate involvement: no ads, no tracking, no spamming, no selling of data. It’s just us and our little website.
