Most neighbors in the Melody-Catalpa neighborhood are part of an email group that we use to communicate with each other as a whole. Yes, we’re all aware of NextDoor, but many of us have found the discussions there a little over the top, and prefer to communicate in a more meaningful/respectful way via email.
Topics often include things like dangerous animal sightings, lost keys or wallets, upcoming events like garage sales or lemonade stands, requests for items to borrow, important community bulletins, or sometimes just nice discussions about the cool things some of our neighbors are doing.
If You'd Like to Join the Email List
Contact Eileen and let her know you’d like to join the group. Please include your name and street address for confirmation.
Eileen Lambert
eileenkaune at
If You'd Like to Leave the Email List (and you have a Google Account)
Visit this site and then click the Leave Group button.
If You'd Like to Leave the Email List (and you do not have a Google Account)
Please let Eileen know you’d like to leave the group, and provide your email address.
Eileen Lambert
eileenkaune at